Mark Burow
- Professor
Peanut Genetics - Office:
- Lubbock
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 806-746-6101
Areas of Expertise
- Peanut Genetics
Professional Summary
Goals of the program are, in collaboration with peanut breeding programs in College Station and Stephenville, to:
- 1.release new cultivars for Texas growers, incorporating: high yield; improved edible seed quality -early maturity, high oleic oil; resistance to water deficit, heat, and salt stress; resistance to disease and pests, especially leafspot, nematodes, and Sclerotinia blight
- 2.
- 3.
Participate in the International Peanut Genome Initiative, and use genomics technology in cultivar development
Participate in international collaborations with scientists, especially in Ghana and Burkina Faso through a Peanut and Mycotoxin Innovation Lab/ USAID project
Students: Merlin Malayka Yerra