David D. Baltensperger
- Professor and Head of the Department
- Office:
- 434E Heep Center
- Email:
- [email protected]
- Phone:
- 979-321-5906
- Graduate Education
- Ph.D., Agronomy, New Mexico State University, 1981
Professional Summary
David Baltensperger, Ph.D. is a professor and department head. Baltensperger provides leadership and administration for a large comprehensive program of research, teaching and extension in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences . The department is widely recognized for its quality, size, and diversity of subject matter areas. Nationally and internationally recognized research programs are conducted by Soil and Crop Sciences Faculty in such disciplines as plant breeding and genetics, biotechnology, crop physiology, agronomy, forage and turfgrass management, cereal chemistry, soil science, weed science, and environmental soil, water and crop science. The Department has 34 campus-based research/teaching and 11 extension faculty at College Station and 45 research and extension faculty headquartered at 13 research and extension centers across the state. Student enrollment consists of 99 undergraduate students and 160 graduate students representing several states and 19 countries. The annual Departmental budget is $23 million with approximately $14 million of the total being external grants.