Undergraduate Awards Banquet
By: Beth Ann Luedeker
Congratulations to all the scholarship and awards recipients recognized at the awards banquet held April 11 at the Hildebrand Equine Center. While officially an undergraduate banquet, many graduate students received recognition and awards that night as well.
Dr. Kim Dooley, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Associate Dean for Academic Operations, delivered the keynote address. During her address Dooley outlined what she feels it means to be an Aggie.
Being an Aggie means being Authentic, being Grateful, setting Goals, having Integrity and having Enthusiasm, Dooley said.
Attendees also heard from student leaders about the array of extracurricular learning activities available, including the Agronomy Society, Turf Club, Soil and Water Conservation Society, and the Soil Crop Graduate Student Organization.
Awards and Recognitions
The primary purpose of the banquet is to recognize the efforts of students through the presentation of travel awards and scholarships. This year the department presented over $86,500 in scholarships and awards. Graduate students who had received other fellowships and awards were also recognized.
Outstanding Plant and Environmental Soil Science (PSSC) and Turfgrass Science (TGSC) were recognized. They are:

A complete list of the undergraduate scholarship recipients, donors, and other awards earned by the students, faculty and staff can be found on the department’s website: