Chris Barron, center, stands with Jeffrey W. Savell, Ph.D., vice chancellor and dean for Agriculture and Life Sciences, left, and David Stelly, Ph.D., right.
Chris Barron, center, stands with Jeffrey W. Savell, Ph.D., vice chancellor and dean for Agriculture and Life Sciences, left, and David Stelly, Ph.D., right

Join us in congratulating senior plant and environmental soil science major Chris Barron for receiving the Brown Foundation-Earl Rudder Memorial Outstanding Student Award.

The award is the highest honor bestowed upon a graduating senior and honors a student who exemplifies the leadership, patriotism, fortitude, courage, humility, love of Texas A&M University and the willingness to uphold the principles for which the university stands, as vividly exemplified by James Earl Rudder during his lifetime. Gen. Earl Rudder, a World War II hero, served as president of Texas A&M from 1959 until his death in 1970.